The Miracles of Saint Rubidium


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The following passages are excerpted from The History page and represent the best description based on recent research of the miracles by Saint Rubidium.

1) One fall afternoon, probably three years after Rubi moved out of Sheep Ranch, he heard some women yelling and wailing. A nine-year old girl was missing. The women were searching the fields and forests. Rubi climbed up to the top of a ridge and scanned the area for any signs of the girl until the sunset. A freakish fall storm suddenly swept in and several reports tell of multiple lightning strikes on the bluff. Rubi may have been in the midst of this electric atmosphere. What we do know is that later that night Rubi found the girl surrounded by coyotes in a field west of the bluff. The girl remembered that suddenly there was a howl louder than all the coyotes and two glowing yellow eyes. The coyotes turned and attacked a quivering Rubi but they fell at his feet, became quiet and disappeared. When Rubi carried the girl into the Indian's campsite he was met with shouts of joy. A celebration lasted three days. The girl later became a professor at the University of California at Berkeley.

2) The second miracle also involved the Miwok Indians that migrated through the area. A serious and extended drought brought numerous families close to starvation. When Rubi heard of the hunger he offered food to anyone that came to him. Several parallel stories tell of a ritual that Rubi performed dancing around oak trees and side to side up a ravine and into a cave that no one had seen before. Soon he emerged with a basket of acorn mash. This feeding of the hungry continued for a year until a new crop of food grew to maturity. All of the stories express astonishment at the unending supply of food. The sheer volume could not have possibly been contained in the cave or in all of the caves in the area. This was truly a miracle.

3) The third miracle that we know about happened about a year before Rubi disappeared in 1888. Two neighboring ranchers who had feuded for years over boundaries, lost sheep and wandering cattle told of meeting with Rubi simultaneously in their homes that were two miles apart. In each case Rubi shared a meal and then over coffee told of a place on the ranches' boundary that was special. He told of a large rock standing on its tip almost like an inverted pyramid. He predicted that if the rancher went there that very night when the moon was full then the earth would shake, the rock would move and great happiness would follow. Each of the ranchers followed instructions though startled by the glowing red skies. (Apparently this was at this latitude a rare but not unheard of sighting of the Northern Lights.) They were full of consternation to encounter each other especially since in a mental lapse they had left their guns at home. But in just moments after meeting the earth started to quake and the rock fell over revealing two large nuggets of gold. Of course there was one nugget for each man worth over one year's income. The two were so stunned that after sharing their respective identical stories they realized that they were in the presence of a holy man and their grievances were petty and trivial. A partnership and friendship began that night in that field that lasted their whole lives. Later in recounting their stories to others they were told of a brilliant streak of light seen in the sky over their ranches. This brings to mind the recent discoveries in physics where light passing through liquid rubidium can be detected at two different points simultaneously. Was Rubi's predictions and dual presence a miracle or a reality not yet fully understood?

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